Crypto Run

Crypto Run
BoredIn MBAs Spotlight - Crypto Run

Crypto Run

The goal of Crypto Run is to bring mobile gamers into the Web3 world without friction. The game has a built-in Web3 wallet. No KYC, no setup, and no purchases are needed. Just download the game like any other games in AppStore and they already in web3. Crypto Run makes it possible for everyone to own ETH without paying anything. Yes, it is a sustainable Play to Earn!

The game itself is a fun introduction to the crypto world, inspired by crypto trading. New players will start to see other coins like ETH, Ape, BNB, etc. The obstacles are represented by candlesticks. Along the way, players will meet bears that will scam or rug them. Players also need to make decisions to go Long or Short. If they go Long, they can only collect green coins.

The game can be downloaded from At the moment, only the Android version has the Web3 wallet. The iPhone version will be coming soon.

Since BAYC released the 3D version of the apes, we thought it's a good time to develop the swamp expansion and let the apes be the ambassadors to usher mobile gamers into Web3!

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Crypto Run
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