
BoredIn spotlight - BAYC Artist & Fashion MBAs - Pauser Shop


Art, design and luxury fashion oriented house, that creates bridges between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Brought to the light by @Pausrr, an artist, designer and digital creator. Made for those who seek uniqueness.

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Pauser Shop

Pauser Silk: Matisserie

Matisserie Silk Scarf is the most elegant and luxurious one in our series. Meaning it totally has french vibes.
There once lived this amazing artist, Henri Matisse. Especially the colors he used were something to talk about. By creating Matisserie, Pauser pays tribute to this mindblowing creator. Maybe daring to say, but he got the coloring just right, don't you think?

I wish I could wear this in Paris, don't you?


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